About Andreea
Embrace the Journey: From Society's Path to True Happiness
Welcome to Love Spirit, where my life's story is a testament to the transformative power of embracing one's unique path to true happiness.
Early Beginnings and Passion: Born in Romania, my journey began at age 6, inspired by gymnastics legend Nadia Comaneci. Determined to follow THE PATH OF GREATNESS, I embarked on a relentless journey, training daily intensely.
Society's Script: I followed society's path, ticking all the boxes, yet unfulfillment lingered. I began to question whether true happiness lay along society's well-trodden road.
Transition and Growth: My passion for gymnastics was curtailed as my mother, concerned about the toll it was taking, withdrew me from the sport. We relocated to a smaller city, where big conflicts and traumatic familiar experiences became a catalyst for my exploration of deeper life aspects and self-understanding.
Educational Pursuits: I redirected my energy into academics, ultimately becoming a teacher and earning a Master's degree in Psycho-pedagogy. Despite my achievements, I felt something was amiss and I was still totally broken.
Breaking Free: At 27, I courageously broke free from societal expectations, leaving behind a successful teaching career and my country. My purpose was clear: to seek real happiness, truth, freedom, and LOVE.
A Spiritual Awakening: A spiritual journey in Greece, guided by mentor Northern Deer Alexander. His teachings redefined my perspective, revealing my true calling: teaching from the heart, focusing on love, real-life issues, happiness, empowerment, freedom, and not fixed structures and curriculum. My Profound Commitment was to live a life beyond mere survival, embracing spiritual truths and THE SPIRIT.
Discovering True Happiness: My quest led me to Meditation, spiritual practices, retreats, and shamanism, bringing profound joy and freedom deep within my heart and being. It felt real for the first time.
Sharing the Wisdom: Teaching spiritual practices like Yoga, Esoteric Martial Arts, and Chakra's Dance, Drum Meditation in the UK empowered me to gain better control over my mind and emotions and a deep sense of purpose and contribution.
Glimpses of Joy: Along the way, I traveled the world for spiritual purposes, healing, and awakening. I glimpsed infinite joy, ecstasy, and profound love, even as I distanced myself from family and friends to explore my own path.
Finding the Deepest True: Continuing my work with sacred medicinal plants for my 3rd year in the Amazon Jungle, Ayahuasca revealed infinite love within me, transcending the personal and bringing true freedom. I realized that all human beings are capable of immense, infinite love, and that my Divine mission is to channel this love.
A Journey Towards Permanence: My ongoing journey seeks to make this elevated state a permanent way of living. Driven by the Love Spirit, I'm taking as many people on this incredible path of LOVE & FREEDOM.
Creating a Holistic Program: Crafting intuitive programs that mix various disciplines to create safe spaces for transformation.
Discover Your Potential: I'm dedicated to helping you establish empowering daily habits and practices, unlocking your potential and discovering the wonder within, while cultivating a strong body, powerful mind, and loving emotions.
Join Our Community: We gather locally in Milton Keynes (UK) and online in Wonder Woman Sisterhood, united in a supportive community of like-minded individuals, where I offer unwavering support and motivation.
Embrace Your Power: I firmly believe in the immense potential within each of us. Join us on this extraordinary journey of LOVE, self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.
Let's Shine Together: Together, we'll unlock the wonders within us, harnessing the infinite power of the universe. Let's shine brilliantly as we strive to be our best selves.
Finding Fulfillment: Contentment fills me today as I cherish moments of truth, joy, and infinite love, eagerly awaiting their permanent presence in living one day together in a beautiful safe place in nature where we are going to be ONE BIG NEW FAMILY.
Namaste: I honor the divine within you and all of us. May we all be blessed to feel the calling of THE NEW EARTH!
My Actual Journey: Today, I walk alongside sisters and brothers who seek truth together. Love resides in my heart, and I cherish the freedom I've found. Let's embark on this journey to true happiness, hand in hand. Namaste.
At LOVE Spirit's holistic journey, transparency, and authenticity is a cornerstone of our philosophy. We believe in sharing our qualifications openly to inspire trust and confidence in the transformative work we do.
Here are some of my qualifications and relevant experiences :
- Olympic Gymnast: From the age of 6 until 11, I dedicated myself to becoming an Olympic gymnast. This experience instilled in me a deep sense of embodiment and the significance of body confidence. It taught me the importance of holding higher energies and achieving vital energy.
- Qualified Level 1 Teacher: With over a decade of experience, I have worked intimately with more than 1000 children and double the number of parents. This extensive experience has provided me with a profound understanding of the primary essence and nature of human needs, both emotionally and psychologically. The innocence of children reveals to me the purest consciousness of humanity, providing guidelines for my clients on the true essence once we break free from societal conditioning.
- Master's Degree in Counseling and Psycho-pedagogic Assistance: I earned my master's degree from the prestigious "Babes – Bolyai University of Cluj – Napoca," further enhancing my knowledge and expertise in counseling and psycho-pedagogic assistance.
- Certified in Management of Difficult Behaviors: I hold certification in managing difficult behaviors and effective techniques for children with additional needs, ensuring a holistic approach to supporting individuals.
- Published Articles on Alternative Education: My dedication to alternative education is reflected in my published articles, with a particular focus on Montessori principles.
- Herbalife Nutrition Coach: I am equipped to assist individuals in making wellness evaluations informed dietary choices and achieving their health and fitness goals.
- Certified in Reiki Level 2: I am a certified practitioner of Reiki Level 2, harnessing the power of energy healing for holistic well-being.
- Certified in Ho’oponopono Therapy: I received certification in Ho’oponopono therapy under the guidance of Dr. Joe Vitale, further expanding my repertoire of healing techniques.
- Shamanic Practitioner: Trained and initiated in Siberian shamanism at "World of Wisdom & Spiritual Adventure," I bring ancient shamanic wisdom to my holistic practice.
- Peruvian Shamanism: I have studied and trained in Peruvian shamanism under the guidance of authentic herbalists from the Amazon Jungle, including sacred plant work with Ayahuasca.
- Certified Circle Facilitator: As a certified Circle Facilitator at Sistership Circle, I create a safe and nurturing space for transformative experiences where everyone feels seen, heard, loved and celebrated for their truth.
- Yoga Studies: I have undergone comprehensive training in yoga, incorporating its principles into my holistic approach.
- Global Retreat Organizer: As an instructor at "World of Wisdom & Spiritual Adventure," I play a key role in organizing global retreats in spiritually potent locations around the world.
- Founder of Wonder Woman Sisterhood : I'm bringing women together online daily for self empowerment, self - love, deep detox routine as well as Full Moon and New Moon Circles to enhance their feminine leadership.
- Circle of Love: I'm creating a love based community where we can share our hearts, and create deep meaningful confections for holistic growth.
These qualifications represent the depth and breadth of my expertise in guiding individuals toward self-love, self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. I am committed to sharing my knowledge and experiences to help you unlock your full potential and lead a life filled with love, freedom, and profound inner joy.
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