Monthly Sisterhood Gathering
Monthly Sisterhood Gathering
Please select the monthly meeting you wish to attend from the drop down list above to book.
NOTE : Due to the very limited number of spaces available, bookings are non-refundable
Quaker Centre
1 Oakley Gardens
Downhead Park,
Milton Keynes
MK15 9BH
More information about each month's topic can be found by clicking below:
🎀February the 24th - Priestess Activation
🎀March the 16th - Enchantress Activation
🎀April the 20th - Creatrix Activation
🎀May the 25th - Healing the Mother Wound
🎀June the 15th - Healing the Father Wound
🎀July the 13th - Medicine Woman Activation
🎀August the 10th - Wild Woman Activation
🎀September the 7th - Warrior Activation
🎀October the 27th - Honor Sisterhood: Heal the Sister Wound and Rise Together
🎀November the 30th - Honor Your Gifts and Voice: Heal the Witch Wound
🎀Dec the 8th - Sisterhood Party: Feminine Freedom Launch